Stones are synonymous of strength and purity. To offer them is a symbol of love and sincerity.

Planet: Mars
Month: February

Alertness, awareness, justice, release of attachments, clarification, inner peace. Encourages perception and and the ability to judge, dealing with sorrow and conflict.

Amethyst is the crystal for inner peace and meditation, as well as for alertness and awareness.

Amethyst is a powerful stone with a very high spiritual vibration. Purity of soul, power and happiness, sincerity, humility and wisdom. Brings intellectual and psychological balance, self-confidence and opens to love. Preserve from jealousies and betrayals. Its mauve color fights depression by stimulating spiritual development.

Amethyst helps one overcome spiritual confusion and also contributes towards overcaming sadness and emotional states.


Month: March

Spiritual growth, discipline, concentration. Makes one focused, dynamic, full of stamina and successful.
Harmony, serenity. Farsightedness. Assiduity, consistency and single-mindedness.


Enables the free flow of speech and effortless success.

Blue chalcedony as the crystal for inner flexibility and a constant flow of vitality.

Communication, understanding, ease, being in the flow.

Pink chalcedony: trust, goodness and helpfulness. Encourages openness, the ability to listen and understand, and clear heart-to-heart communication.

Abundance, prosperity.

Chrysoprase is the most effective detoxification crystal. Security, trust, resolution of conflicts, patience. For jealousy, lovesickness, problems in relationships, nightmares, budens, sexual problems.


Planet: Mercury

Very beneficial solar stone, acting as a powerful regenerator.
Constructive stone, creative and promoting personal expression.

Stone of wealth and joy promoting abundance. Promotes the harmonization of the subtle bodies with the physical body.

Fights eye disorders, promotes elimination, detoxifies the blood, stimulates digestion, liver and pancreas and balances the thyroid.

Citrine does not need to be purified. By absorbing negative energies, it transforms and neutralizes them.


Planet: Venus

Clarity and consciousness. SymboliSes eternal love, blooming spirit and absolute intelligence. Powerful protection.

Strengthens unity and commitment. Stone of love and reconciliation. Invincibility, control, liberation from compulsions, virtue, insight, honesty, strong character, self-determination, spiritual freedom.

Helps with anxiety and depression.


Planet: Moon.
Divine feminine.

Stone of travellers, it protects expeditions from journeys and dangers of all kinds. Calms the emotions. Fight instability. Brings calm by healing old emotional wounds.

Stone of women, femininity and fertility, supposed to reveal the feminine virtues. Stone of starts, cycles and changes.

Purity and spirituality.

Reflection of oneself, it provokes the manifestation of the truth and commits to take responsibility.

Hard substance produced by the mantle of certain molluscs (oysters, mussels) or gastropods (snails) inside their shells. A biomineral material, it is made up of 95% aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate.


Planet: Mars
Month: February

Alertness, awareness, justice, release of attachments, clarification, inner peace. Encourages perception and and the ability to judge, dealing with sorrow and conflict.

Amethyst is the crystal for inner peace and meditation, as well as for alertness and awareness.

Amethyst is a powerful stone with a very high spiritual vibration. Purity of soul, power and happiness, sincerity, humility and wisdom. Brings intellectual and psychological balance, self-confidence and opens to love. Preserve from jealousies and betrayals. Its mauve color fights depression by stimulating spiritual development.

Amethyst helps one overcome spiritual confusion and also contributes towards overcaming sadness and emotional states.


Month: June



Mental clarity. Encourages clear perception and memory;
healing amplifier, self-awareness.

Discipline, self-observation.

Attentiveness, memory and understandig.

A good distributor of energy.

Alleviates pain.

Harmonizes brain.


Encourages warmth, romance and empathy. Crystal for love, joie de vivre, sensuality and sexuality.

Truth, harmony. universal love

Security, stability

Source: Guia de Las Piedras Preciosas y Ornamentales. Walter Schumann

Spiritual maintenance of stones


After cleaning it, place your stone in direct sunlight, under a wooden surface. The Sunday sun at noon is the best.


  • Clean gently with a soft, dry cloth,
  • Purify with the fumigation method (sage, palo santo or purifying herbs) by leaving the stone in the smoke for a few minutes
  • Purify by placing an amethyst cluster next to your stone.
  • It should be noted that it is not advisable to expose the stone to direct light and/or heat, it could crack and in the worst case cause permanent damage.

For your jewels, expose a whole night to the light of the full moon (the lunar rays act as a purifier).

Pass it under cool running water then dry the piece with the stone.

ArteSana provides gemstones of extreme quality, selected one by one by hand with great expertise over many years.

Please, avoid synthetic stones and artificially tinted, electrified, heated or irradiated: their action is thwarted.

Simple pebbles of orange, yellow or red colours would attract sympathy and sincere friendship and the black and gray ones, loyalty.